Monday, October 1, 2007


Today I went to the dentisit. I had to get two fillings, not fun. I haven't needed any fillings for a couple years so I was kinda nervous about the whole thing, it went well though. Now I am in a lot of pain. They filled one on the top and one on the bottom and I want to rip the one on the bottom out. I am not quite sure why it hurts so bad because the top one doesn't hurt at all. David called me to tell me how work was going today and I tried to get sympathy but thats hard to get from him. He said "no one else gets fillings and then has pain like that, why does normal things always end up hurting you." Thats when I just ended the conversation, Oh well. I took some tylenol/codiene and am now waiting for the pain to go away. Besides the dentist and a long nap, I have not accomplished anything today and there is laundry to be done and sheets to be washed. Well better get busy!

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