Saturday, October 6, 2007

Puppy Love

Daisjurr has his first real girlfriend. They are so cute becuase she is very shy and giggles alot and he tries to be very sweet and even open the car door for her. It reminds me of back when I first started dating and of how shy I was and was afraid to eat in front of my boyfriend. They have gone on two dates by themselves one to game works and last night they went to the homecoming game together. David had to have the talk with him about not having girls over when parents aren't home and vice versa and it just seems like he is growing up to fast. Tonight she came over for dinner and then we rented a movie to watch and they were holding hands on the couch, so sweet but I don't really want things to go past hand holding, which I know is unrealistic. Well I have to work all weekend so we have nothing planned. I did try to make carmel apples though and the carmel just slid right off the apple becuase I made the carmel to runny, oh well, I will try agian.


Melanie Kym said...

It's funny that you're going through this because I went through it last night with Meghan!! I don't care that she's 20 years old. We tried to hook her up with someone and it was so cute to watch him hold the door for her and stuff. I found myself watching their every move like a hovering mama. Good thing she's not my kid. Have fun with that!!

saucysosville said...

Ya it is very nerve racking, I feel like a spy.

morgantyan said...

You can't really tell him not to do the things you did at that age. I definitely don't envy you that you've reached this stage in child rearing before I have! HAHA!!