Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I tried to post this last night and somehow it got erased.

Today (Monday) reminded me of living in Alaska where it stays dark 24hrs a day in the winter. The sun did not come out once today and it was glumy, rainy and dark all day. I had planned on going to the bank but when I took one look outside I scraped those plans and didn't even get dressed. I did clean my house like every Monday and did laundry, so at least something was accomplished. This eve when having dinner I asked Daisjurr about his girl friend when he told me they broke up. I asked him why and he told me that she did bad things like drugs. He told me he doesn't want a girlfriend that smokes pot. He then opened up and told us all about what is going on. It made me very proud to here that he is turning out to be such a good kid.

Although the weather was bad today (Monday) the weekend was very nice. David and I took two walks on Sunday. First we went to Gas Works Park where there were people (30 adults) dressed in animation right out of Pokemon and then in another part of the park there was people dressed in armor fighting eachother like back in the 1800's. We got a good laugh and then went on our way. Our second stop was a trail by Lake Washington that is 2 1/2 miles and we walked the whole thing.

1 comment:

morgantyan said...

What a good kid Daisjurr is. You guys have done a great job.