Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Blah, Blah, Blah

So yesterday I got a new gym membership. I am very excited because it came with a few free personal training sessions. Wish me luck because tomorrow is my first session and I have a feeling it is going to be painful, haha. I made a bet with the guy who signed me up that I can lose 15 lbs in 6 weeks, he said 12, I will show him. He also said no carbs and I started to laugh becuase anyone who knows me should know that no bread, chocolate or pasta is out of the question. I guess I will just have to eat a little less of those things but just a little less!

Also I have another sinus infection, uhh, I feel like I am being followed by a black sick cloud because I cannot get well for the life of me.

1 comment:

Melanie Kym said...

I figured out of everyone that I could get you on board with this!! Let's totally do it. And I'm with ya on the eating right part. I LOVE food. I need to shrink my stomach and start laying off the Ben and Jerry's every night. Post some before pics and your measurements. Let me know if you have any good ideas on the prize and stuff!