Thursday, May 1, 2008

Week 2 results

I did go to the gym today and work out, even my abs, although I have been quite sore since my last visit on Monday. My abs feel like I have had a tummy tuck becuase it hurts to cough, sneeze, bend, to do pretty much anything. So far I am liking the results though and not just the physical ones, I feel like I have so much energy and actually get things accomplished on my days off instead of just being a lazy bum. My trainer said I will be in pain for a couple weeks before my body gets used to things, ugh!!! As for the eating healthy surprise, surprise I haven't really been. I eat healthy for the most part but I still have the bacon cheeseburger or pizza sometimes, for example last night we had Red Mill (not healthy).

Results for week 2:

Weight- 131.5
Abs- 29
hips- 41.25
Arms- 10.5
Thighs- 21

I am quite surprised with the results and have shocked myself I even measured twice thinking something was wrong but no, it is just simple my hard work is paying off. Not a huge weight loss but inches are better then weight in my opinion. Hope everyone else is still feeling motivated and keep up the hard work. Some weeks wil be better then others.

Oh, ya, my brother and his girlfriend will be here in one week to visit and I am so excited. Also my birthday is Saturday but I have to work all weekend. We are going to weight and celebrate when my brother arrives.


Shannon said...

The best part about working out is that it DOES make you feel so much better! I love the energy you get and just feeling good that you are doing something! you guys are totally inspiring me to work out! keep up the good work!

Melanie Kym said...

Wow, Adrea. I am so impressed and proud of you. Unfortunately for me, I have been so sick that I'm winded even walking up the stairs. Feeling better now, so hopefully I will be back to the workouts by tomorrow. Keep it up. Your results are amazing!!!